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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

With this Privacy Policy, provided pursuant to art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR” or “Regulation”), we wish to inform the User on the ways in which their Personal Data will be processed (i.e. any information capable of directly or indirectly identifying them) when they visit and/or or purchase on the website ( hereinafter, the “ Site ”). This information, together with the Cookie Policy and the Terms of Use and General Conditions of Sale , establishes the basis on which the personal data of Users will be processed.

Owner of the processing of personal data

The Data Controller of personal data collected through the Site is: Realandoo di Lucia Dimilito , with registered office in Manduria (TA) Via Giuseppe Mazzini 20/a, postal code 74024, VAT no. 03340060734 (hereinafter ' Data Controller ' ), e-mail address:

Pursuant to art. 37 GDPR, the Data Controller has appointed a Data Protection Officer (the Data Protection Officer or simply "DPO"), domiciled at the following address: Via Mazzini 20/a, 74024 Manduria (Ta) and reachable for related matters to the processing of personal data, to the following e-mail address: or to the PEC address:

Method of Processing of Personal Data

We take into utmost consideration the right to privacy and protection of the personal data of our Users which will be processed lawfully.

The Personal Data provided or acquired will be processed based on the principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of confidentiality in accordance with current regulations, through appropriate security measures aimed at preventing access, disclosure, modification or unauthorized destruction of Personal Data.

The Processing is carried out using IT and/or telematic tools, with organizational methods and with logic strictly related to the purposes indicated.

Personal data processed

When the User visits the Site, contacts us (by email, telephone, post, etc.), subscribes to the newsletter or sends an order, we process some of his Personal Data, either independently or through third parties.

We list the categories of personal data processed:

  1. Identification, contact and access data : name and surname, email address, shipping address, telephone number, and account access credentials, as well as any other Personal Data voluntarily communicated by the User.
  2. Purchase data : data referring to purchases made;
  3. Browsing data : relating to the connection, IP addresses, domain names and other parameters relating to the browser and operating system used;
  4. Usage Data : information generated by visiting the Site or making purchases on it: log data, data relating to registrations made, interaction and transaction processes, performance indicators, data relating to navigation flows and use of features;
  5. Billing data and payment data : possible VAT number, current account number or IBAN code for payments by bank transfer, tax code, address, and possibly the company name.

Purpose of the Processing and Legal Basis

The Owner will process the Users' Personal Data, as listed above, to carry out its economic and commercial activities, for the specific purposes indicated below.

  1. Purposes relating to the Contract and Legal Obligations
  • Browsing the Site;
  • Registration and management of the account (recovery of credentials, cancellation, etc.) and use of connected services;
  • Activities necessary for the conclusion of the contract for the purchase of products sold by the Site and its execution;
  • Order processing;
  • Assistance and customer care activities as well as to respond to requests, complaints, reports and complaints from Users via email to the Owner's addresses or through other communication channels;
  • Management of User requests via remote communication tools, such as e-mail, chat, telephone, SMS, chatbots, banners, notification systems and other remote communication tools present on the Site;
  • Fulfillment of obligations deriving from current law, regulations or community legislation (e.g. tax and accounting obligations) or management and response to requests from the competent administrative, fiscal and judicial authorities;
  • Activities of an administrative, accounting and fiscal nature such as activities connected to the contract concluded through the Site, such as, by way of example, the issuing of receipts and/or invoices, the keeping of accounting records;
  • Response to requests to exercise the rights recognized to Users by the contract stipulated with the Owner, by the law in relation to this contract or by the GDPR, and consequent activities.
  • For these purposes, the legal basis is the need to execute the pre-contractual and contractual obligations to which the User is a party (art. 6.1.b) of the GDPR) or the fulfillment of legal obligations to which the Data Controller is subject (art. 6.1.c) of the GDPR).

    Therefore, with the exception of account registration data which is optional, their processing is necessary to allow the conclusion and execution of the contract through the Site or to respond to pre-contractual requests made by the User in relation to the Site. Failure communication of the data, therefore, will make it impossible for the User to conclude a contract via the Site and/or to receive a response to the requests made.

    1. Analysis and statistical purposes and other purposes not based on consent
  • Carry out statistical analyzes regarding the use of the Site, navigation, product research, to improve the site and the offer of products sold through it;
  • Guarantee compliance with the contractual rights of the Data Controller or demonstrate that you have fulfilled the obligations arising from the contract with the interested party or imposed by law, to prevent and/or repress fraudulent or harmful actions;
  • Remind the User who has undertaken the purchase process that he has added a product to his shopping cart.
  • The legal basis of this processing is legitimate interest (art. 6.1.f) of the Regulation). Sometimes the Legal Basis consists in the legitimate interest (art. 6, paragraph 1, letter f) in conjunction with recital 47 of the Regulation), for sending transactional email communications (e.g. abandoned cart).

    1. Direct marketing and profiling purposes
  • With your consent, we will send commercial emails to show you updates, news, offers and promotions, market research, also through automated processing tools such as emails and newsletters.
  • With the User's consent, we will process his Personal Data to attribute particular characteristics and preferences to him, and to send him, also through automated processing tools such as "retargeting" or by inclusion in clusters of subjects with common characteristics, personalized and diversified commercial communications, based on your profile.
  • For these purposes, the processing, including the final decision regarding the promotional communication to be sent or displayed to the user based on the cluster(s) to which they belong, occurs automatically, without human intervention, on the basis of algorithms whose parameters have been previously set.

    The legal basis is the express consent of the User to the processing of personal data for these purposes (art. 6.1.a) of the Regulation. The provision of data for these purposes is optional. In case of lack of consent, revocation of the same or exercise of the right of opposition, the User's ability to make purchases on the Site will not be affected in any way.

    1. Soft spam

    To send commercial communications to the User's email address issued as part of the purchase of products through the Site to propose the direct sale of similar products. This activity does not require the acquisition of a prior express consent from the interested party as it is exercised on the legal basis referred to in the art. 130, paragraph 4, of the Privacy Code (Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, n. 196) which expressly allows it, provided that the user does not refuse such use, initially or on the occasion of subsequent communications.

    Modification of choices and revocation of consent

    If consent is granted, the User may at any time revoke the consent given and/or object to the processing of personal data for generic marketing and profiling purposes through the methods indicated in the 'Rights of Interested Parties' section later in this information .

    In the event of revocation of consent, the processing carried out on the basis of the consent given before its revocation will still be considered legitimate. In case of revocation of consent and/or opposition to the processing of your data for the purpose of generic marketing, the user's data will no longer be processed for this purpose and will be stored by the Data Controller only in the circumstance in which another legal basis exists which legitimizes the processing (e.g. contractual execution; legal obligation; legitimate interest).

    Storage time

    The Owner will process the Users' personal data for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which such data were collected, as defined in this information. However, for each of the purposes indicated, the personal data collected will be kept for the time specified below:

    1. For the purposes inherent to the Contract, the Data Controller will process the User's data for the time strictly necessary to carry out the individual processing activities, without prejudice to the fact that, once this deadline has expired, the Data Controller may retain the data for the purposes and for the maximum periods of conservation referred to in the other sections of this information, if relevant and/or, in any case, in the cases established by the GDPR and/or by law.
    2. For fiscal, administrative, accounting and legal purposes, until the expiry of the legal deadlines established for carrying out each obligation and/or for the retention times established by law. In the event of closure of the account on the initiative of the User, the data contained therein will be retained for administrative purposes for a period of 3 months from the request to close the account.
    3. For the purposes based on the legitimate interest of the Owner, the latter will process the User's data for the time strictly necessary to satisfy such interest, unless, in the event of disputes and/or complaints, the Owner needs to retain the personal data to carry out defense activities (letter k) for the following 10 years (prescription) or, in the presence of litigation, further conservation is determined by the duration of the litigation or by specific requests from the authority. The User can obtain more information on the legitimate interest pursued by contacting the Owner.
    4. For the purposes of direct marketing and profiling, as long as the consent is not revoked and in any case for a period of 3 months from when the consent was given or renewed by the User, on the occasion of a new purchase or from the date of last contact with the User, meaning for example the opening of the newsletter.

    After these retention times, the Personal Data will be deleted and the User will no longer be able to exercise the rights of access, cancellation, rectification and portability of the Data.

    Communication and dissemination of data

    In addition to the Owner, in some cases, they may have access to the Data:

    1. subjects involved in the organization of the Website (for example: administrative, commercial, marketing staff);
    2. third parties who carry out ancillary and instrumental tasks with respect to the Data Controller's activity and who process personal data on behalf of the Data Controller (for example: payment services, legal, accountants, system administrators, logistics companies, newsletter services);
    3. public or private subjects who can access the Data in compliance with the law, regulations and provisions issued by the competent authorities;
    4. potential buyers of the Owner company and entities resulting from the merger or any other form of transformation.

    These recipients, depending on the case, process the personal data of the Users as persons in charge, data controllers or independent data controllers. The User can request the updated list of Data Processors referred to in the art. 28 GDPR.

    Place of processing and transfer of data abroad

    Data processing essentially takes place in Italy and in the countries of the European Union. Some third-party tools may process the data of users of this website in countries outside the European Economic Area (the “Third Countries”).

    The transfer of data to third countries can also take place through the use of external tools that allow certain services (e.g. newsletter, remarketing, advertising, use of social buttons, viewing of videos).

    Sometimes the use of these tools may imply the transfer of personal data of users who visit this website to a third country for which there is no adequacy decision from the European Commission.

    If there is a need to transfer data to third countries, the Data Controller undertakes to ensure that the country to which the data will be sent guarantees an adequate level of protection, as required by Article 45 GDPR; such transfer will be regulated on the basis of the standard contractual data protection clauses approved by the European Commission for the transfer of personal information outside the EEA pursuant to Article 46.2 GDPR.


    This website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files that can be installed by websites on users' devices to make the browsing experience more efficient and to personalize content and ads, provide social network functions and analyze traffic. For further information, read the Cookie Policy .

    Personal Data Processing Tools


    Instagram Login (Meta Platforms Ireland Limited)

    Facebook Login is a service provided by Meta Platforms Ireland Limited and connected to the Facebook network, which allows the user to register on the Site and authenticate using their Facebook credentials. Personal Data processed: Tracking Tools; various types of Data. Place of processing: Ireland – Privacy Policy .


    By filling out the contact form, the User consents to the processing of personal data entered therein and their use to respond to requests for information. The personal data processed are those requested by the form (name, surname, company, email address, telephone) and all other personal data possibly entered by the user in the body of the message.


    Shopify Inbox (Shopify International Ltd.)
    Live Chat via the 'Shopify Inbox' channel can be used by users to take advantage of assistance or customer care services, before, during and after the purchase. The Service is provided by Shopify International Ltd. and may use various technologies to collect and store information when you use the services with which it is integrated, this may include the use of cookies and similar tracking technologies. For the purposes of the processing methods, please read the Shopify Services Data Processing Terms . Data collected: telephone number, email, usage data, cookies. Place of Processing: IRELAND - Privacy Policy .


    The newsletter service allows the Data Controller to send promotions and commercial communications to users via email. This Site uses the following service:

    Klaviyo (Klaviyo, Inc.)
    Klaviyo is an address management and email message sending service provided by Klaviyo, Inc. Place of processing: UNITED STATES – View the Privacy Policy of the service to find out about the data processed by it. If the User does not want their personal data to be managed by Klaviyo, it will be necessary to unsubscribe from the newsletter. To this end, the Owner provides an unsubscribe button (unsubscribe link ) in every commercial communication.


    The User can use the social buttons to visit the social pages of the Site, through the following social tools which however collect users' personal data such as traffic data on the pages visited and on which they are installed. The Site makes the following social buttons available:

    Instagram (Meta Platforms Ireland Limited) The Instagram button is a service for interaction with the Instagram social network, provided by Meta Platforms Ireland Limited. Personal Data collected: Cookies, Usage data and other data as per the relevant privacy policy. Place of processing: IRELAND – UNITED STATES - Privacy Policy 

    Facebook (Meta Platforms Ireland Limited) The Facebook button and social widgets are interaction services with the Facebook social network, provided by Facebook Ireland Ltd. Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage data. Place of processing: IRELAND – UNITED STATES Privacy Policy 

    TikTok (TikTok Technology Limited) The TikTok social button and widgets are interaction services with the TikTok social network, provided by TikTok Technology Limited. Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage Data. Place of processing: UNITED STATES - MALAYSIA - SINGAPORE Privacy Policy


    Stripe (Stripe Inc.)

    Stripe is a payment service provided by Stripe Inc., which allows the User to make online payments via credit card. Personal Data processed: various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service. Place of processing: Consult the Stripe privacy policy - Privacy Policy

    PayPal (Paypal Europe S.à.rl et Cie, SCA Inc.)
    PayPal is a payment service provided by PayPal Europe S.à.rl et Cie, SCA Inc., which allows the User to make online payments using their PayPal credentials. Personal data collected: Cookies and various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service. Place of processing: LUXEMBOURG - Privacy Policy

    APPLE PAY (Apple Inc)

    Apple Pay is a payment service provided by Apple Inc that allows the User to make online payments using their credentials. For more information on the data collected by the application, please read the relevant Privacy Policy 

    GOOGLE PAY (Google Ireland Limited)

    Google Pay is a payment service provided by Google Ireland Limited that allows the User to make online payments using their credentials. For more information on the data collected by the application, please read the relevant Privacy Policy


    Statistics services allow the Data Controller to monitor and analyze traffic data and serve to keep track of the User's behavior. This Site uses the following third-party services:

    Google Analytics (Google Ireland Limited)

    Google Analytics is an analysis service provided by Google Ireland Limited. Google uses the Personal Data collected for the purpose of tracking and examining the use of this Site, compiling reports and sharing them with other services developed by Google. Google may use Personal Data to contextualize and personalize the ads of its advertising network. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where this is required by law or where such third parties process the aforementioned information on behalf of Google. The IP address anonymization function is active on this site. The IP address transmitted by the browser for purposes related to Google Analytics will not be incorporated into other data already held by Google.

    The use of Google Analytics may in some cases involve the transfer of personal data of users who visit this website to a third country, such as the United States, for which there is no adequacy decision from the European Commission.

    At the following link the browser add-on for deactivating Google Analytics is made available by Google. Personal Data collected: Cookies, IP Address, Usage Data and other personal data defined in Google's privacy policy .
    Place of processing: IRELAND and in some cases UNITED STATES – Privacy Policy ( )

    Shopify Analytics (Shopify International Ltd.)

    Shopify Analytics is an analysis service provided by Shopify International Ltd. Shopify uses the Personal Data collected for the purpose of helping the Owner check the value of recent sales and compare them with those of a previous period of time, compare the efficiency of the sales, monitor the average value of orders, verify the origin of visitors, by geographical area or by social media source and monitor trends over time. Shopify may also transfer this information to third parties where this is required by law or where such third parties process the aforementioned information on behalf of Shopify.

    The use of Shopify Analytics may in some cases involve the transfer of the personal data of users who visit this website to a third country, for which there is no adequacy decision from the European Commission.

    Personal Data collected: Cookies, IP Address, Usage Data and other personal data defined in Google's privacy policy.
    Place of processing: IRELAND and in some cases UNITED STATES – Privacy Policy .


    These services allow this Site to communicate, optimize and offer advertisements based on the User's past use of this Website. This activity is carried out through the tracking of Usage Data and the use of Cookies. This Website uses the following services:

    Google ADS (Google Ireland Limited)

    Google ADS is a service provided by Google Ireland Limited that connects this Website with the Google advertising network. This Website makes use of the Remarketing features of Google Analytics combined with the possibility of adapting to different devices of Google ADS. This feature makes it possible to connect target groups for promotional campaigns created by the Google Analytics Marketing function with the cross-device adaptability of Google ADS. This allows us to show advertising based on the user's personal interests, identified through an analysis of the user's behavior on the web, whether on a mobile device or other devices. You can permanently disable targeting and remarketing features by disabling the “personalized advertising” feature in your Google account. To do so, simply follow the opt out link. Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage Data. Place of processing: Ireland and in some cases United States - Privacy Policy - Opt out .

    Rights of interested parties

    Interested parties have the right to exercise the faculties provided for in the articles. 7, 15-22 of the Regulations.

    In particular, Users have the right to obtain: access, updating, rectification or, when interested, integration of data; the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including those whose retention is not necessary in relation to the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed; the certification that the above operations have been brought to the attention, also with regard to their content, of those to whom the data have been communicated or disseminated, except in the case in which this fulfillment proves impossible or involves the use of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right.

    Furthermore, Users have the right to withdraw consent at any time, if the processing is based on their consent, to request data portability, i.e. to receive all personal data concerning them in a structured, commonly used and readable by an automatic device), to request the limitation of the processing of personal data and/or cancellation ("right to be forgotten"), as well as the right to object to the processing of personal data concerning him and to the processing for the purpose of sending advertising material, direct sales and for carrying out market research.

    Pursuant to the Applicable Regulations, the Owners inform that Users have the right to obtain indication (i) of the origin of the personal data; (ii) the purposes and methods of processing; (iii) the logic applied in case of processing carried out with the aid of electronic instruments; (iv) the identification details of the Data Controllers and managers; (v) of the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who may become aware of it as managers or agents.

    Interested parties will be able to exercise their rights by sending the Data Controller a specific communication or by using the form to exercise the rights of interested parties , available at this link , to be sent, duly completed and with signature and attachments, to the Data Controller by email to: info

    The interested parties, if they believe that the processing concerning them violates the Regulation, also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Privacy Guarantor as supervisory authority regarding the protection of personal data (Guarantor for the protection of personal data, with headquarters in Piazza Venezia no. 11 - 00187 – Rome ( ).

    Changes to this Privacy Policy

    The Data Controller reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time by publicizing them to Users on this page. Please therefore consult this page often, taking as reference the date of last modification indicated at the bottom. In case of non-acceptance of the changes made to this Privacy Policy, the User is required to cease using this Website and may request the Data Controller to remove their Personal Data. Unless otherwise specified, the previous Privacy Policy will continue to apply to Personal Data collected up to that point. The Owner is not responsible for updating all the links that can be viewed in this Privacy Policy, therefore whenever a link is not working and/or updated, Users acknowledge and accept that they must always refer to the document and/or section of the sites internet accessed from this link.

    Privacy Policy updated in January 2024

    Written by Ecommerce Legale

    Cookie Policy


    This Cookie Policy represents the Extended Information on Cookies regarding the use of Cookies by the Site (the " Site ") owned by Realizzandoo di Lucia Dimilito , with registered office in Manduria (TA) Via Giuseppe Mazzini 20/a, postcode 74024, VAT no. 03340060734 , email:  ( hereinafter “ Owner ”).

    This Cookie Policy constitutes an integral part of the Site's Privacy Policy .

    To change the cookie settings, however, the user can proceed by following the instructions on this Website.

    The user will be able to express his preferences and consent to the use of cookies, with express acceptance to be performed on the Cookie Banner, or Brief Information on Cookies, which will also provide information relating to the cookies used by this Site.

    What are cookies

    Cookies are small text files used by websites to make the browsing experience more efficient for the User and are stored on their browser to be reused on subsequent visits.

    Cookies have different functions. There are cookies that have the purpose of improving the functionality and navigation of this website (technical cookies). Others which, however, are used to monitor users while browsing (statistical analysis cookies), record information that reveals their interests (profiling cookies), analyzing their readings, hobbies, in order to personalize the advertising that it is shown to him when he opens an email, browses a social network or other web pages. Cookies are used to personalize content, provide social media features and analyze traffic.

    Cookies are divided into first-party or third-party cookies depending on whether they are installed by the visited site or by third-party sites respectively.

    In his browser the User can set the Privacy preferences so as not to store Cookies, delete them after each visit or every time he closes the browser, or even accept only the Site's Cookies and not those of third parties.

    This Site uses technical cookies, statistical analysis cookies, profiling cookies, first and third parties listed later in this information.

    Cookies used through this Site

    1. Technical cookies

    Technical cookies are those that do not require the User's consent as they are installed to facilitate the User's navigation on the Site and allow him to fully exploit its features. These are first-party cookies as they are installed via the Site and concern navigation, therefore they are cookies that usually remain installed for the duration of the session, at the end of which they are deleted. These also serve to memorize some of the User's preferences on subsequent visits, and for this reason they can remain installed persistently, i.e. until they expire or until the User deletes them.

    First name




    Used in connection with checkout

    1 hour


    Used to manage customer privacy settings

    1 day


    Used in connection with buyer location

    2 weeks


    Used in connection with the cart

    2 weeks


    Used in connection with checkout

    2 weeks


    Used in connection with customer access

    1 years


    Used during checkout

    1 years


    Use related to merchant identifiers

    2 years

    1. Third party cookies

    Third-party cookies are those installed through third-party tools, such as third-party tools or plugins with respect to the Site. Third-party cookies have various purposes, such as monitoring the use of the site by the User, verifying the geographical origin of the User, the preferences expressed, the browser used, for statistical, marketing and profiling purposes.

    First name




    Filter bot requests

    1 minute


    Shopify analytics

    30 minutes


    Shopify analytics

    30 minutes


    Landing page tracking

    2 weeks


    Landing page tracking

    2 weeks


    Used to check the progress of advertising campaigns on TikTok

    1 years


    Used to check the progress of advertising campaigns on TikTok

    1 years


    Shopify analytics

    1 years


    Used to distinguish users

    2 years


    This cookie is set by Klaviyo in relation to the order notification system. It handles tracking and shipping updates, among other things

    2 years


    Used to distinguish users



    Provided by Google Tag Manager to test the advertising efficiency of websites using their services


    1. LIVE CHAT

    Shopify Inbox (Shopify International Ltd.)

    For further information: Shopify cookie policy 


    Klaviyo (Klaviyo, Inc.)

    For further information:


    Facebook (Meta Platforms Ireland Limited)

    For further information: 

    Instagram (Meta Platforms Ireland Limited)
    For more information: 

    TikTok (TikTok Technology Limited)
    For further information: 


    Stripe (Stripe Inc.)

    For further information :

    Paypal (Paypal Europe S.à.rl et Cie, SCA Inc.)

    For further information:

    APPLE PAY (Apple Inc)

    For further information:

    GOOGLE PAY (Google Ireland Limited)

    For further information:


    Google Analytics (Google Ireland Limited)

    Google Analytics is an analysis service provided by Google Ireland Limited. Google uses the Personal Data collected for the purpose of tracking and examining the use of this Site, compiling reports and sharing them with other services developed by Google, also through the use of third-party cookies for statistical analysis. The User can object to the use of Google Analytics by refusing consent via the cookie banner or by using the opt out link. Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage Data. Place of processing: Ireland and in some cases United States - Cookie Policy - Opt out .

    Shopify Analytics (Shopify International Ltd.)

    Shopify Analytics is an analysis service provided by Shopify International Ltd. Google uses the Personal Data collected for the purpose of tracking and examining the use of this Site, compiling reports and sharing them with other services developed by Google, including through the use of third-party cookies for statistical analysis. The User can object to the use of Google Analytics by refusing consent via the cookie banner or by using the opt out link. Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage Data. Place of processing: Ireland and in some cases United States - Cookie Policy .

    1. Profiling cookies

    Google ADS (Google Ireland Limited)

    Google ADS is a service provided by Google Ireland Limited that connects this Website with the Google advertising network . You can permanently disable targeting and remarketing features by disabling the “personalized advertising” feature in your Google account. To do so, simply follow the opt out link. Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage Data. Place of processing: Ireland and in some cases United States - Cookie Policy - Opt out .

    Elimination and deactivation of cookies from browsers

    Each user can manage their browser settings to manage cookie settings by following the links below.

    Rights of interested parties

    Interested parties have the right to exercise the faculties provided for in the articles. 7, 15-22 of the Regulations.

    In particular, Users have the right to obtain: access, updating, rectification or, when interested, integration of data; the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including those whose retention is not necessary in relation to the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed; the certification that the above operations have been brought to the attention, also with regard to their content, of those to whom the data have been communicated or disseminated, except in the case in which this fulfillment proves impossible or involves the use of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right.

    Furthermore, Users have the right to withdraw consent at any time, if the processing is based on their consent, to request data portability, i.e. to receive all personal data concerning them in a structured, commonly used and readable by an automatic device), to request the limitation of the processing of personal data and/or cancellation ("right to be forgotten"), as well as the right to object to the processing of personal data concerning him and to the processing for the purpose of sending advertising material, direct sales and for carrying out market research.

    Pursuant to the Applicable Regulations, the Owners inform that Users have the right to obtain indication (i) of the origin of the personal data; (ii) the purposes and methods of processing; (iii) the logic applied in case of processing carried out with the aid of electronic instruments; (iv) the identification details of the Data Controllers and managers; (v) of the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who may become aware of it as managers or agents.

    Interested parties will be able to exercise their rights by sending a specific communication or by using the form to exercise the rights of interested parties , available at this link , to be sent, duly completed and signed and attached, to the Data Controller by email to: info@realizzao. it

    The interested parties, if they believe that the processing concerning them violates the Regulation, also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Privacy Guarantor as supervisory authority regarding the protection of personal data (Guarantor for the protection of personal data, with headquarters in Piazza Venezia no. 11 - 00187 – Rome ( ).

    Further information

    The Owner, with reference to cookies installed directly by the Site, specifies the following:

    – the data is collected only for the purposes and for the duration indicated in the previous tables and is processed using IT methods;

    – the use of technical cookies does not require the user's prior consent as these are cookies necessary to allow navigation within the Site and the correct functioning of the Site itself. In case of removal of technical cookies through the browser settings, navigation within the Site may not be possible, in whole or in part;

    – the data collected by first-party cookies may be communicated to subjects acting on behalf of the Data Controller as data controllers or processors, for purposes related to those described above. With respect to such data, we remind you that you can exercise the rights referred to in the art. 13 of the GDPR, as better described in the Privacy Policy .

    Cookie Policy updated in January 2024
    Written by Ecommerce Legale

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